Friday, December 30, 2011

Bishop Holiday Party

The Bensmans have been gracious hosts to our  family the last 3 years and did it again this year.  
It is always wonderful to see everyone!  
This year we got to see 2 performances, a magic trick, and Darren's incredible film, "Under the Table."


Emma is almost 4 months old and this last month has been full of change and firsts!  It is so much fun to watch her grow!  Here are a few that I have caught on film...

Blowing Rasberries
(This is a constant... it is the first thing she does when she wakes up)

 Being interested in holding her bottle

Having a boyfriend... James Reffey
(He couldn't keep his hands off of her... he he)

 Holding her head up 

Although blurry and a bit x-rated... This was right before her bath... don't you love those rolls!
Rolling over

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First Christmas

This first picture was not taken on Christmas Day, but I had to include it!  
Emma's first visit with Santa was a good one, I really don't think she knew what was going on.  
I look forward to seeing how she reacts next year!

Our Christmas was wonderful, we started our morning with some hot chocolate and a skype from Grandma and Grandpa Mullen and Uncle Lee in England, a phone call from Uncle Arron in Florida, and then another skype from great gandparents in South Africa.  
Then it was off to opening presents... Emma with her stocking on Christmas morning! 

After celebrating Christmas at our house we went to Cincinnati to celebrate with some family!  
Thank you Stacey and Erin for a wonderful holiday!


Emma laughing with uncle Erin

 Exhausted after opening all of her presents

Our #1 present this year... what a blessing!!

Jack not knowing what to play with next

Stacey's cute table cards

Sam looking cool with his awesome hat from his Christmas cracker

A collage of everyone wishing we had a cool mustache like Grandpa!

Our Christmas Card...

I was super excited to send a Christmas card this year with a photo on it!  I always love to look at everyone's growing families, so sending one this year was fun!  Now finding/taking a picture on the other hand was quite difficult!  A 3 month old isn't quite cooperative, especially one who does not know how to sit up on her own!  Although she smiles all of the time, I some how found it impossible to catch it on film!  So here were a few of the contenders as well as the final product! 

Holiday Fun!

We have has lots of outings this season!  Emma for 95% of the time is a wonderful baby and does great!  Here are a few of the fun things we have been up too...

Christmas Tea with the Ladies!  
We went to tea in downtown Cincinnati at The Cincinnatian with Allie, Deb, Beth, Carol, Grandma, Emma, and Mom.  It was quite yummy!  

Christmas at the Hennesseys!  
We had our annual holiday get together and this year there were two new additions.  Ned and his fiance Kelly had a little boy, Liam, in June and then of course Emma was there.  Our families are growing each year which makes it all the more fun!  Here is a pic of all the kids!

Christmas Eve at the Fischers!
The Fischers, Bishops, Berkowitzs, and Mullens celebrated with a wonderful array of appetizers, a great dinner, and lots of sweets... and a game of pictionary!  (Girls won!)  Emma got spoiled with lots of love and some adorable presents!

Butter loved Emma!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

THREE Months!

I can't believe... another month has flown by.  I am already ready for summer!  I hate going to work everyday and not being able to spend every moment seeing her grow! My favorite moment is first thing in the morning when I go in to get her from her crib.  She doesn't cry in the morning just wakes up and begins making noises and looking around.  So when i go in there to get her she looks at me and gives me a gigantic smile!  Other than smiling a ton she is following things around the room.  She is using her hands and hitting and grabbing toys.  She is becoming more verbal and doing lots of gaa and goo sounds, and even laughing!  Here are some pics from her photo shoot :)


I was so lucky to have the entire week off for Thanksgiving!  We had our 4th annual Thanksgiving at our house.  This year we had just the immediate family, we missed the Fischers!  It was Emma's first Thanksgiving so I made her a festive shirt that I found on Pinterest.  Then the Sunday after Thanksgiving we went down to Cincinnati and Bill and Lucille were here!  It was a fun day!


Jack playing with Emma, he calls her "sweetie"

The 3 Bishop grandkids 

Lucille and Emma

Bill and Jack playing with Jack's early Christmas present, and Air Swimmer!  It was hours of fun!

Charlie in Sam's shoes