Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day (and Mother's Day)

Sam had a wonderful first father's day!  We spent the morning at home and then headed down to Cincinnati with my parents to the Yeatman's house.  We had lots of cousin fun and Erin cooked a wonderful meal with lots of meat!  The dads were happy!  

 I never did a mother's day post, so here is a picture of Emma and I!  

Friday, June 15, 2012


Here are a couple of short videos of Emma crawling and walking with dad.  
My favorite is the very end of the first one when she waves and says bye bye!  
Oh and ignore my annoying voice!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


As a teacher, I get my summers off and I have been looking forward to spending it with Emma since I went back to work from my maternity leave!  It has only been a little over a week but so far we have been busy!  We went to the Yeatman's for a day of fun, celebrated James's first birthday, went to the Polen Farm's kids water park, and went to the pool with Beth, Carol, Charlie, and grandma, and grandpa.  Here are a few pics:

 She never stopped splashing

 This is her favorite spot... she loves being able to see outside (especially while standing)

 Polen Farm

 She has been more interested in playing with diapers than her toys... So I dressed her up

James's Birthday Party: 

Addison and Xavier Penn and little Reid Goodman

Finally... The cute couple :)

 Playing outside- When you ask her, "How Big is Emma," this is her response:

 CHEESE... check out my 7 teeth!

Lily is truly her best friend, she wants to be everywhere she is!  She has learned to play with her by handing her toys, which is just too funny!

Another pool trip, this time at NCR with the Fischers

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


 Wow... 3/4 of a year old!  Emma's stats this month are a little lower :) She is now in the 95% in weight and height instead of off the charts!  She is now weighing 22 1/2 pounds and is 29 1/4 inches.  She got two more teeth this month for a new total of 6!  She has accomplished so much this month.  First and most importantly she is crawling, officially on the move!  She has also began to wave hello and goodbye when she sees you.  She is using more sounds, her favorites are still baba and bow bow, but she has said mama, dada, lala, wawa, and hi.  One of my favorite things she will do is throw both of her hand in the air when you ask her how big she is.  She also loves to walk when someone is holding her hands and look out the window with Lily and watch for squirrels, rabbits, and birds. 

I couldn't get her to sit still long enough to get a good pic of my monthly shot...

A little scary, but FUNNY!


Hanging out with Grandma in the middle of finishing our new addition

 :) She will be turning 10 months old when we are in Europe!!  Can't wait to meet the family!!!